Welcome to the hompage of the konwerter - free program for automatic numbering of compounds in chemical publications.

Welcome at the konwerter webpage. Here you can read how to use the konwerter program that helps with writing publication using LaTeX. It was written by Piotr Wawrzyniak in C++ language. It works on POSIX operating systems like Linux and the BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD and NetBSD) as well as on the Windows operating system.

The fact, that I haven't found any bugs yet, doesn't mean that they don't exist. Any bugreports and proposal of changes are welcome. Therefore if you find any bug or just would like to tell me how much you like the konwerter, drop me just an email.

I would like to thank Dr Karol Grela, from Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, for support and interesting discussions about konwerter.


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